e-LV (Twardowski Digital Archives - Archives Numériques de l’École de Lvov et de Varsovie) is a project of Archives Poincaré, Laboratoire d’Histoire des Sciences et de Philosophie (UMR 7117), CNRS/Université de Lorraine.

The site elv-akt.net contains digital archives of manuscripts and prints of both Twardowski and the philosophers of his School.

e-LV Archives is also a platform of research and information exchange between scientists, in the field of Polish analytical philosophy. The Editions e-LV will provide the editing and translation of manuscripts originally archived in text mode (XML/TEI).

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If you find the Elv-Akt archives useful for your work, please mention it when citing sources of information. At the top of each file, there is a french-style bibliographical reference to help you referring properly to the archive.


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Elv/TEI Workshop : integration and inter-operability of numerical ressources in SHS : is TEI a tool of the future for SHS researchers?

Tuesday 05 May 2009

Since 1999, the growth of the quantity of information is 30% per year. This constitutes a cognitive challenge for all social scientists : new strategies are required for the selection and acknowledgment of the relevant data. More and more virtual libraries and electronic archives are created, so the problem of the reliability of exchanges of information is crucial, especially in a multi-lingual context. In such a context, much influenced by the creation of the web, the very concepts of ontology and semantics have been modified.

TEI (Text Encoding Initiative) was launched at the end of the 20th century as an international research project with european, canadian and american financing. The purpose was to represent texts in digital form so that they may be read by machines while preserving their semantical aspects.

Today, TEI is a universal tool for the humanities and the social sciences. It is the grammar for the description of XML files ; it garantees that documents will be safely stored ; it allows inter-operability with other data systems. Launched for the second time as a consortium in 2001, TEI is now financially supported by hundreds of academic and industrial websites in Europe, the USA, Japan and elsewhere.

However, the community of its users, in particular those who are involved in the digitalization of cultural heritage and in the storage of scientific information for the purpose of research, determine what its future will be.

Lou BURNARD (born in 1946) has written a pre-doctoral thesis in 19th century english literature (Oxford, 1971). He has been the Assistant Director of the Computer Services of the University of Oxford since 2002. He has worked on computer applications for the social sciences for many years (for the British National Corpus and for Oxford Text Archive). He is one of the founders of TEI and a leading expert in the domain of text encoding.

Lou BURNARD will present the stakes of TEI today and its interest for the integration and inter-operability of numerical ressources in SHS.

Other talks will focus on :
— TEI in France (ATILF)
— Optimization of access to information within the context of the web (J.-D. FEKETE)
— The Virtual Humanistic Library (M.-L. DEMONET)
— The use of TEI as a methodological support for the perusal of manuscripts (N. DUFOURNAUD) ; the analysis of a scientific corpus in linguistics (C. POUDAT)
— The use of encoding for philosophical archives (A. ROULOIS).

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e-LV project migrate!

Wednesday 07 June 2017

The e-LV project moved to the Poincaré Archives (Laboratoire d’Histoire des Sciences et de Philosophie, UMR 7117, CNRS/Université de Lorraine, Nancy).
The new site (Web portal) is under construction.… [More about]

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