e-LV (Twardowski Digital Archives - Archives Numériques de l’École de Lvov et de Varsovie) is a project of Archives Poincaré, Laboratoire d’Histoire des Sciences et de Philosophie (UMR 7117), CNRS/Université de Lorraine.
The site elv-akt.net contains digital archives of manuscripts and prints of both Twardowski and the philosophers of his School.
e-LV Archives is also a platform of research and information exchange between scientists, in the field of Polish analytical philosophy. The Editions e-LV will provide the editing and translation of manuscripts originally archived in text mode (XML/TEI).
To discover on an exclusive basis the e-LV Archives and receive the news, Become a member
If you find the Elv-Akt archives useful for your work, please mention it when citing sources of information. At the top of each file, there is a french-style bibliographical reference to help you referring properly to the archive.
Saturday 19 December 2009
A work session took place on December 4th 2009, devoted to the preparation of a cooperation convention with the Wittgenstein Archives in Bergen. The scholars involved were Alois Pichler, Heinz Wilhelm Krüger, Vemund Olstad and Deirdre Smith. The Bergen Archives have had a pioneering activity for years in the domain or electronic publishing. One of their most remarkable achievement to date is the scientfiic electronic editing and publishing of Wittgenstein’s Posthumus Works. See Wittgenstein’s Nachlass. The Bergen Electronic Edition, BEE, Oxford UP, 2000, http://wab.aksis.uib.no/
Wednesday 07 June 2017
The e-LV project moved to the Poincaré Archives (Laboratoire d’Histoire des Sciences et de Philosophie, UMR 7117, CNRS/Université de Lorraine, Nancy).
The new site (Web portal) is under construction.… [More about]
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Dernière mise à jour : Saturday 14 December 2024