e-LV (Archives Numériques de l’École de Lvov et de Varsovie/ Cyfrowe Archiwum Kazimierza Twardowskiego/ Kazimierz Twardowski Digital Archives) est un projet au sein des Archives Poincaré, Laboratoire d’Histoire des Sciences et de Philosophie (UMR 7117), CNRS/Université de Lorraine. Les e-ARCHIVES du site elv-akt.net contiennent une bibliothèque numérique des manuscrits et des œuvres de Twardowski et des philosophes de son entourage, ainsi que les divers documents (textes, photo, enregistrements vidéo et phono) les concernant. Les ÉDITIONS e-LV visent l’édition critique et la traduction des manuscrits archivés en mode texte. Elles se conforment en ce sens aux normes éditoriales et techniques en vigueur (XML/TEI). En tant qu’infrastructure internationale de RECHERCHES les Archives e-LV ont pour but de promouvoir les recherches, les mémoires et les publications relatives à la philosophie analytique polonaise. Nous présentons aussi l’ACTUALITÉ du projet.

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Recherche avancée

"Tarski's Revolution: A New History", a project led by Arianna Betti

Mardi 16 décembre 2008

The European Research Council has awarded a Starting Grant to a project on semantics and axiomatics in Poland: "Tarski's Revolution: A New History". The project, led by Arianna Betti (VU University Amsterdam) in team with a PhD and a postdoc researcher, aims at rewriting the history of Tarski's revolution in semantics by taking into account the development of axiomatics from Bolzano to Tarski.

"Tarski's Revolution: A New History - Semantics and Axiomatics from Bolzano to Tarski against the Background of the Classical Model of Science"

Bolzano's extraordinary work in semantics has been especially significant for the Polish tradition to which Tarski belongs, and Tarski's ideas in turn have changed the course of contemporary analytic philosophy. Tarski's work represents a crucial turn in the history of semantics and related fields. The research project aims to establish that the turn at issue must be interpreted in connection with the development of axiomatics in Poland. In particular, the project proposes to interpret Tarski's turn on the basis of a new framework, the Classical Model of Science, which systematises a general axiomatic ideal of scientific knowledge going back to Aristotle's "Analytica Posteriora". The project brings to the spotlight the Eastern European analytic tradition, which had more attention for history and metaphysics than the Anglo-American one and which is still largely unexplored today.

Project website: http://www.surfgroepen.nl/sites/cmsone/TRANH/index.html

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Migration du projet e-LV

Mercredi 07 juin 2017

Le projet e-LV a déménagé aux Archives Poincaré (Laboratoire d’Histoire des Sciences et de Philosophie, UMR 7117, CNRS/Université de Lorraine, Nancy).
Le nouveau site (portail) est en cours de réalisation.… [Lire la suite]

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