e-LV (Twardowski Digital Archives - Archives Numériques de l’École de Lvov et de Varsovie) is a project of Archives Poincaré, Laboratoire d’Histoire des Sciences et de Philosophie (UMR 7117), CNRS/Université de Lorraine.

The site elv-akt.net contains digital archives of manuscripts and prints of both Twardowski and the philosophers of his School.

e-LV Archives is also a platform of research and information exchange between scientists, in the field of Polish analytical philosophy. The Editions e-LV will provide the editing and translation of manuscripts originally archived in text mode (XML/TEI).

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If you find the Elv-Akt archives useful for your work, please mention it when citing sources of information. At the top of each file, there is a french-style bibliographical reference to help you referring properly to the archive.


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  • Visit of scholars from the Wittgenstein Archives in Bergen at the IHPSTSaturday 19 December 2009
    A work session took place on December 4th 2009, devoted to the preparation of a cooperation convention with the Wittgenstein Archives in Bergen. The scholars involved were Alois Pichler, Heinz Wilhelm Krüger, Vemund Olstad and Deirdre Smith. The Bergen Archives have had a pioneering activity for ye… [More about]

  • Travaux d'encodage XML/TEIThursday 21 January 2010
    En 2009 les [i]Archives e-LV[/i] et plus particulièrement les travaux de numérisation et d'encodage XML/TEI ont été financés grâce au PPF : [i]Numérisation[/i] de l'Université Paris 1.… [More about]

  • Traduction of Twardowski's "/O czynnościach i wytworach/" (/Actions and Products/) by himselfTuesday 22 February 2011
    The french translation of [i]O cznnościach i wytworach[/i] (Lvov, 1912), made by Twardowski himself, is now [a=http://www.elv-akt.net/ressources/archives.php?id_archive=1]available on line[/a] in its XML/TEI version. You may also access [a=http://www.elv-akt.net/fichiers/archives/kazimierz_twardows… [More about]

  • The Kazimierz Twardowski Diaries will soon be available onlineWednesday 14 November 2012
    3444 pages of the Diaries of Kazimierz Twardowski, deposited in the Archives of The Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, have been digitalized thanks to the sponsoring offered by CORPUS IR through the [a=http://www.cahier.paris-sorbonne.fr/]CAHIER[/a] consortium. (The e-LV Archives have been a memb… [More about]

  • "Tarski's Revolution: A New History", a project led by Arianna BettiTuesday 16 December 2008
    The European Research Council has awarded a Starting Grant to a project on semantics and axiomatics in Poland: "Tarski's Revolution: A New History". The project, led by Arianna Betti (VU University Amsterdam) in team with a PhD and a postdoc researcher, aims at rewriting the history of Tarski's revo… [More about]

  • Tadeusz Kotarbinski : “Utilitarianism and the Ethics of Pity” on lineSaturday 19 December 2009
    The English transation of Kotarbinski’s “Utylitaryzm e etyka litosci” (1914) by Wlodek Rabinowicz is now available on line. It is also published in Utilitas, vol. 12, 2000, pp. 79-84. Happy Christmas! Wesołych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia!… [More about]

  • Scholars’ Archives: Eugene WasilewskiSaturday 19 December 2009
    The research archives of Eugene Wasilewski (Eugenijus Grigalus Vasilevskis) are now available online: with this new venture, we inaugurate the new rubric “Scholars’s Archives”. Dr Wasilewski is the author of more than sixty articles and chapters of scientific works. He was born in Vilna in … [More about]

  • Récital de piano : Les Mazurkas par Anna BrozekSunday 19 October 2008
    Récital piano "Les Mazurkas" par Anna Brozek au Centre de l'Académie Polonaise des Sciences à Paris, 74 rue Lauriston, Paris XVI, le jeudi 23.X à 18h.… [More about]

  • Projet Archives ELV-AKTMonday 29 October 2007
    Le projet de la convention franco-polonaise sur les archives de Kazimierz Twardowski et par la suite, progressivement sur l'ensemble des fonds dispersés (dans les bibliothèques, dans les familles) de l'École de Lvov-Varsovie a été préparé à Varsovie lors d'une rencontre le 27 juillet 2004 à… [More about]

  • Présentation des Archives e-LV sur cahier.hypotheses.orgWednesday 07 June 2017
    Les Archives Numériques de l’École de Lvov et de Varsovie (Archives e-LV) constituent une structure de recherche et d’archivage sur le Web consacrée à l’école logico-sémantique fondée par le philosophe [a=https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/lvov-warsaw/]Casimir Twardowski[/a] (1866-1938)… [More about]

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