e-LV (Twardowski Digital Archives - Archives Numériques de l’École de Lvov et de Varsovie) is a project of Archives Poincaré, Laboratoire d’Histoire des Sciences et de Philosophie (UMR 7117), CNRS/Université de Lorraine.
The site elv-akt.net contains digital archives of manuscripts and prints of both Twardowski and the philosophers of his School.
e-LV Archives is also a platform of research and information exchange between scientists, in the field of Polish analytical philosophy. The Editions e-LV will provide the editing and translation of manuscripts originally archived in text mode (XML/TEI).
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If you find the Elv-Akt archives useful for your work, please mention it when citing sources of information. At the top of each file, there is a french-style bibliographical reference to help you referring properly to the archive.
Archiwum Kazimierza Twardowskiego/Archives of the Lvov-Warsaw School was born within the framework of the elv-akt Project under the direction of Wioletta Miskiewicz (CNRS) at the Institut d’Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences et des Techniques (IHPST — University of Paris 1 — Ecole Normale Supérieure). The elv-akt Project (“elv” stands for “Lvov-Warsaw school” and “akt” for “Archiwum Kazimierza Twardowskiego”) has three main objectives:
As an enterprise devoted to the creation of archives, the elv-akt Project supervises all the steps necessary to the availability of philosophical manuscripts. We begin by localizing them and classifying them before scanning them for availability on the website. Classification is done according to european scientific standards. We also take care of the site maintenance and of the users’ accounts. Before they may be given a code allowing them to access the archives, potential readers must provide a letter of motivation and assert that they are aware of their obligations with respect to authors’ copyrights. They may then download any file provided the downloading is devoted strictly to scientific use. The website is user-friendly : no specific technical competences are required to use it. One of the original aspects of the elv-akt Archives is that — unlike the Husserl Archives in Louvain or the Wittgenstein Archives in Bergen —, they are not localizable in the traditional sense of the term. Manuscripts are in Warsaw (http://www.archiwum.wfis.uw.edu.pl/bibfis/), where the digitalization is currently under way, the pdf files of the scanned documents and the management team for the site are in Paris. Anyone, from anywhere in the world, may consult the achives.
As a site devoted to numerical publishing, the elv-akt Archives supervises the scientific edition and translation of all the manuscripts hosted on http://www.elv-akt.net. From an institutional point of view, the editorial activity may be compared to that of other well-established scientific publishers. The scientific committee of the elv-akt Publishing site is constitued by : A. Betti (Amsterdam), J. Dubucs (CNRS, Director of the IHPST), J. Hadacki (Ifis UW), A. Labunska (Director of the IFis UW, Ifis PAN i PTF libraries), J. Migasinski (Dean of the SHS UW Faculty), R. Pouivet (Nancy), J. Wolenski (UJ Cracow) and W. Miskiewicz (CNRS/IHPST). Elv Publishing will translate and publish all the archived manuscripts available in text mode according to scientific standards — the editorial and technical standards being those set up by XML/TEI. This will unable us to make sure that all our online publications will be available for scientific research as e-documents of high quality. Yet another original aspect is that the archives will allow some readers, specifically identified by the scientific committee for their competence concerning research on the Lvov-Warsaw school, to make their reading notes available to users as hypertexts. In this way, each online document will be enriched by the scholarly competence of its most informed readers.
As an international research structure whose aim is to foster research and publications on analytical polish philosophy, the elv-akt Archives are based at the IHPST in Paris (http://www-ihpst.univ-paris1.fr). Conferences and workshops are organized at the IHPST within the framework of the elv-akt PROJECT. The ITA team of the IHPST (Peggy Cardon-Tessier in particular) supervises the prospection for grants and scholarships, both at the french and european levels.
The origins of the IHPST go as far back as the nineteen thirties. The Institut d’Histoire des Sciences was created on 28th February 1932. Its first director was Abel Rey, professor of philosophy and its relations to science at the Sorbonne. His successors were G. Bachelard, G. Canguilhem, S. Bachelard, J. Bouveresse, F. Dagognet,… In 1935, the Institut, then linked to five different universities, moved to the 13, rue du Four with a library of more than 5000 volumes. It is still there today. The Insitut was quite active before the war. Many scientists participated in its activities : Louis de Broglie, Léon Brillouin, Elie Cartan, Jean Perrin, Paul Langevin, as well as philosophers such as Emile Bréhier, Léon Brunschvicg, Etienne Gilson, Alexandre Koyré, André Lalande and Léon Robin. The Institut was one of the main organizers of the Congrès international de philosophie scientifique, where an important polish delegation was to be among the most active participants. The Institut d’Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences et des Techniques took on its new form in 2002 under the direction of Jacques Dubucs when it became a CNRS team called Philosophy of science (UMR 8590). The IHPST now works under the joint supervision of the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS). Since the Congrès international de philosophie scientifique, the IHPST has become an institute of reference in the field of the history of austrian philosophy, and most notably of the history of the Wiener Kreis. Research on Tarski and other polish logicians has always been one of the strong points of scientific activity at the IHPST. The elv-akt PROJECT extends this research to the Lvov-Warsaw school taken as a whole ; it doesn’t limit its inquiries to the field of logic, or to parallels with the austrian school. The Lvov-Warsaw school has a long and original tradition of research in many domains, e.g. in the field of the social sciences (SHS).
The board of directors of the elv-akt Archives is composed of individuals and institutions who actively support the project. Among them are : P. Mancosu (University of California at Berkeley), the polish embassy in Paris and the Scientific Center of the Polish Academy of Science in Paris.
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Dernière mise à jour : Friday 14 February 2025